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Polar bear feast - Nexta Expeditions

Polar bear feast

The polar bear was relishing his meal; the snow and his face were turning red from the blood. As we observed him eating, our own stomachs began to grumble. It was time for lunch.
Six Facts About the Crabeater Seals of Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Six Facts About the Crabeater Seals of Antarctica

Antarctic fur seals, leopard seals, Weddell seals, Ross seals, southern elephant seals... The many seal species of Antarctica all have names that are in some way explained by their appearance or primary region of distribution.
10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland

Grasses, sedges, and other species of heath were the first arrivals, and are still commonly found in Greenland. Scientists have been able to work out how plants colonised Greenland by examining ancient pollen samples found in deposits at the bottom of lakes: Dwarf birch came to western Greenland around 9,000 years ago, and around 4,500 years ago – roughly the same time humans were first boating onto Greenland shores – green alders were taking up residence there.
The bowhead whale, whaling about the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

The bowhead whale, whaling about the Arctic

The bowhead whale typically resides near pack ice, often in shallow waters. These whales are commonly found north of Europe, between Canada and Greenland, in the Hudson Bay area, the Okhotsk Sea, and the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. In these regions, they filter food through their large baleen plates. Bowheads are known to open their large mouths and graze along the surface, in the water column, or on the sea floor.
The South Georgia Seven: Hikes, Fjords, Whales, & Penguins - Nexta Expeditions

The South Georgia Seven: Hikes, Fjords, Whales, & Penguins

Few places encapsulate such a staggeringly rich assortment of sub-Antarctic scenery, wildlife, and outing opportunities as South Georgia.
The Enchanting Islands of Svalbard - Nexta Expeditions

The Enchanting Islands of Svalbard

Svalbard is an Arctic archipelago situated between the North Pole and the Norwegian mainland, offering visitors some of the most stunning wildlife and landscapes in the world. Here we explore seven of the most visited Svalbard islands, highlighting the many wonders that draw people back year after year.
Polar Amore: 14 Wildlife Pics to Warm up Your Valentine’s Day - Nexta Expeditions

Polar Amore: 14 Wildlife Pics to Warm up Your Valentine’s Day

5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica

Embarking on a journey to the Antarctic might seem daunting. However, cruise lines strive to simplify the process as much as possible. They typically assist with travel insurance, guide you to the embarkation point, and advise on the appropriate clothing to bring.
Greenland: Where the Kayak Was Invented - Nexta Expeditions

Greenland: Where the Kayak Was Invented

If you've ever enjoyed kayaking, you owe a debt of gratitude to the ancient Greenlandic Inuit who originally designed them for hunting. The thrilling adventures people now have navigating some of the world's most challenging rapids wouldn't be possible without the Inuit's need for a nimble form of water transportation. While travelers still use kayaks in this region, they are typically not fishing, whaling, or sealing. Consequently, recreational kayaks have been adapted to fit their new role.
Visiting the Nearly Unknown: New Zealand’s Campbell Island - Nexta Expeditions

Visiting the Nearly Unknown: New Zealand’s Campbell Island

New Zealand is a renowned destination globally, and for good reason: It’s absolutely stunning. Almost every corner is filled with unparalleled beauty. But did you know that New Zealand includes several sub-Antarctic Islands that are almost completely unknown?
Eight Ultimate Antarctica Adventures - Nexta Expeditions

Eight Ultimate Antarctica Adventures

Antarctica has adventure in its bones. Long before most travelers even reach the continent, they have to cross the Drake Passage, an oft-tumultuous waterway considered by many a hallmark of high adventure in itself. Once you do reach the Antarctic shores, the variations of landscape and wildlife are as multiform as the activities you can pursue there. While not all of these activities can or should be shoehorned into a single article, this piece will give you a survey of the top eight. Like everything in the polar regions, these activities are subject to weather conditions – and your own threshold for adventure.
South Georgia in Spring - Nexta Expeditions

South Georgia in Spring

What a fantastic time to be in South Georgia! Perhaps the best time of the year! The wildlife is abundant, and the light is simply magical for photography. Kings, Gentoos, Chinstraps, and Macaronis are all present along the shorelines. Elephant and Fur seals are also plentiful! Wandering albatrosses are welcoming their newly hatched chicks, while the non-breeders are actively engaged in their courtship rituals, practicing a ceremonial dance. Light-mantled, Sooty, and Grey-headed albatrosses are still feeding their fluffy chicks, as are the Giant petrels. We've been fortunate with the weather, finding ourselves in the right place at the right time to succeed in all our landings and zodiac cruises so far.
Five Reasons You Should Cruise the Ross Sea Immediately - Nexta Expeditions

Five Reasons You Should Cruise the Ross Sea Immediately

In our search for lesser-known holiday spots that still offer fully developed amenities like spas and gift shops, we often miss out on some of the planet's truly underrated treasures.
Encounter with the emperor penguin in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Encounter with the emperor penguin in Antarctica

Dutch journalist Gemma Venhuizen embarked on the MV Ortelius during the Weddell Sea cruise 'In search of the emperor penguins'. She had several encounters with this majestic penguin species - both from the sea and from the air.
Northeast Greenland National Park - Nexta Expeditions

Northeast Greenland National Park

Northeast Greenland National Park is the world’s largest national park and the ninth largest protected area on Earth. It should come as little surprise, then, that it’s also bigger than most countries, covering an impressive 972,000 square km (375,300 square miles).
South Georgia Whaling Stations - Nexta Expeditions

South Georgia Whaling Stations

South Georgia is a paradise for animal enthusiasts. It stands out as one of the most wildlife-abundant destinations in our polar expeditions, whether in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Arctic Foxes: Constant Gardeners of the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Foxes: Constant Gardeners of the Arctic

Given how widespread their habitat is, it is little wonder that Arctic foxes are one of the animals we most often see during our Greenland and Svalbard expeditions. The Arctic fox is a circumpolar species whose feeding grounds include North America, Eurasia, even Iceland, ranging from nearly the North Pole all the way down to the sub-Arctic islands.
Arctic Icon: 10 Facts about the Polar Bear - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Icon: 10 Facts about the Polar Bear

Polar bears are to the Arctic what penguins are to Antarctica.
Seven Things to Do around Ushuaia - Nexta Expeditions

Seven Things to Do around Ushuaia

We often recommend arriving early to Ushuaia before embarking on an Antarctica cruise, and for good reason: Ushuaia, on top of being the southernmost city in the world, has in recent years developed into a decidedly charming tourist destination.
Arctic Mythology: Inuit, Saami, and the Ancient Greeks - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Mythology: Inuit, Saami, and the Ancient Greeks

The Arctic locations we visit aren’t merely made up of phenomenal landscapes, exotic wildlife, and more adventure than a Hardy Boys novel.