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Antarctica: When to Visit, How to Plan, What to Expect - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica: When to Visit, How to Plan, What to Expect

Antarctica is an astonishing location loved in equal measure by ice enthusiasts and continent hoppers, but it also asks a lot in return for its prestigious polar status.
Penguin Wisdom: Life Lessons from Our Favorite Flightless Birds - Nexta Expeditions

Penguin Wisdom: Life Lessons from Our Favorite Flightless Birds

As enthusiasts of wildlife travel, we believe every creature has something valuable to impart - from the grand blue whale to the tiny cephalopod, the formidable polar bear to the elusive Arctic fox.
Antarctica’s first Marine Protected Area - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica’s first Marine Protected Area

In October of this year, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, which includes 24 countries such as the United States, the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand, reached a consensus on a New Zealand/United States proposal to establish a large-scale Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Ross Sea region.
10 Weather-Fueled Facts about Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

10 Weather-Fueled Facts about Antarctica

Most of us have at least a vague notion of what makes the North and South Poles so brutally, bone-chillingly cold: They receive less sunlight than the rest of the planet, what sunlight they do receive arrives at an angle, and they’re usually buried under endless mounds of ice and snow. This holds especially true for the South Pole and its centerpiece, Antarctica. Fewer people know, however, what drives Antarctic weather, or what results from it. Here are ten weather-related facts about the most southern continent that will put your polar meteorology ahead of the curve.
The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed - Nexta Expeditions

The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed

There are only six species of seals that inhabit the Antarctic: Southern elephant seals, Antarctic fur seals, crabeater seals, leopard seals, Ross seals, and Weddell seals. While we are familiar with these species, much about their lives remains a mystery.
10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland

Grasses, sedges, and other species of heath were the first arrivals, and are still commonly found in Greenland. Scientists have been able to work out how plants colonised Greenland by examining ancient pollen samples found in deposits at the bottom of lakes: Dwarf birch came to western Greenland around 9,000 years ago, and around 4,500 years ago – roughly the same time humans were first boating onto Greenland shores – green alders were taking up residence there.
The Return to Franz Josef Land - Nexta Expeditions

The Return to Franz Josef Land

As the possibility of international travel slowly returns, we are eagerly awaiting all the great locations, activities, and wildlife we might experience in the coming season. One of the things we’re most excited about is the return of our Franz Josef Land voyages.
10 Tips for Photographing the Northern Lights - Nexta Expeditions

10 Tips for Photographing the Northern Lights

The northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, offer some of the most breathtaking photographic opportunities in the Arctic. However, capturing this stunning phenomenon requires more than just luck. To take your best northern lights photos, it's helpful to understand some key aspects of aurora-specific photography.
Discover the Scoresby Sund Fjord System in East Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

Discover the Scoresby Sund Fjord System in East Greenland

Are you considering a trip to Greenland? One destination you absolutely must visit is the world's largest fjord with stunning landscapes: Scoresby Sund.
Explore Antarctica Without Leaving Your Couch - Nexta Expeditions

Explore Antarctica Without Leaving Your Couch

There are numerous ways to embark on an Antarctica expedition from the comfort of your home. Explore these fantastic resources to experience the White Continent without leaving your couch.
The First Overwintering Hut in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

The First Overwintering Hut in Antarctica

In 1899, Carsten Borchgrevink and his nine crewmen became the first to spend the winter in a hut in Antarctica. (Technically, the Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897-1899 was the first to overwinter there, though this was done on their vessel after it was caught in ice.) Borchgrevink and his men spent the dark winter months isolated in a dirty hut, surrounded by equipment and sled dogs fighting each other outside.
Large and in Charge: Antarctica’s Southern Elephant Seals - Nexta Expeditions

Large and in Charge: Antarctica’s Southern Elephant Seals

Southern elephant seals are the largest species of seal on the planet and a highlight among Antarctica cruise wildlife.
How and When Did Greenland Become Covered in Ice? - Nexta Expeditions

How and When Did Greenland Become Covered in Ice?

Although it may be hard to believe, there was a time when Greenland was more green than icy. Today, those who embark on a Greenland expedition are greeted with views of the Greenland ice sheet and the marine life that thrives in this region, including seals and whales. Polar bears are also prominent in the northern and eastern parts of Greenland. These animals have adapted to their environment, but a few million years ago, the massive island would not have been as welcoming to them.
North Norway, Northern Lights, and All the Pretty Whales - Nexta Expeditions

North Norway, Northern Lights, and All the Pretty Whales

At first glance, visiting Northern Norway outside of a blazing-hot summer might seem daunting for the average traveler.
15 Falkland Islands Bird Photos - Nexta Expeditions

15 Falkland Islands Bird Photos

The remote sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Falkland Islands is a haven for bird enthusiasts, offering a unique and abundant selection of birds, especially seabirds.
Greenland: East vs. West - Nexta Expeditions

Greenland: East vs. West

East and West Greenland offer vastly different experiences due to their unique climates, wildlife, habitation, and geology.
Not Eskimos: 10 Enlightening Facts About the Inuit - Nexta Expeditions

Not Eskimos: 10 Enlightening Facts About the Inuit

If you are planning to join an Arctic cruise, you might be intrigued by the Inuit culture. To help you gain a deeper understanding of these people, especially if you are considering a trip to Greenland, here are 10 fascinating facts about the Inuit that everyone should know.
The Plants of Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

The Plants of Antarctica

Surviving in Antarctica is a monumental challenge for any plant. The extreme cold, limited sunlight, scarce moisture, poor soil, and short growing season make it nearly impossible for most flora to thrive. Yet, some plants have adapted to these harsh conditions and have managed to flourish where others cannot.
Adding Antarctica to Your Seven-Continents Bucket List - Nexta Expeditions

Adding Antarctica to Your Seven-Continents Bucket List

Many travelers aspire to visit all seven continents, a goal that fits naturally with the concept of a "bucket list," a term popularized by the 2007 movie.
Greenlandic Inuit Beliefs - Nexta Expeditions

Greenlandic Inuit Beliefs

Greenland is the world’s largest island and with the northern tip around 740 kilometres from the North Pole it is the northernmost country on Earth. The island is around 2,670 kilometres long and is about 650 kilometres across at its widest point.