Blue Whale - Nexta Expeditions
Blue Whale

Blue Whale

The biggest creatures that ever lived on Earth have lifespans similar to humans, but their hearts are much bigger, even heavier than most cars.

Name: Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

Length: 30 meters (98 feet)

Weight: 180 metric tons

Location: Worldwide, except under polar ice caps

Conservation status: Endangered

Diet: Mainly krill, also other plankton

Appearance: Blue-grey with lighter undersides

Blue whales are the largest creatures ever to have lived on Earth. Their tongues can outweigh elephants, and their hearts can outweigh cars.

What do they eat?

Blue whales feed by gliding through clouds of krill, sucking in water, and straining it through their baleen. They can consume up to 3.6 metric tons of krill in a single day.

Do they socialize?

Blue whales are generally solitary. They might pair up or gather in areas with abundant food, but they don't form large pods.

How fast can blue whales go?

Their cruising speed is about 8 km/h. While feeding, they slow down, but when alarmed or playing, they can reach speeds up to 32 km/h.

Where do baby blue whales come from?

Blue whales reach sexual maturity between 5 and 10 years. Mating season is from late autumn to the end of winter. After a year-long pregnancy, calves are born weighing about 2.7 metric tons and measuring 8 meters long. They drink 380-550 liters of milk daily and wean after about 6 months.

How long do blue whales live?

Blue whales live between 80 and 90 years on average. Scientists estimate their age by counting layers in their earplugs. The oldest known blue whale lived to be 110 years old.

How many blue whales are there today?

Estimates of the blue whale population range from 1,300 to 25,000.

Do they have any predators?

Adult blue whales can be attacked by killer whales and sharks, but humans have been their greatest threat. The invention of the harpoon gun in 1864 led to a significant increase in blue whale hunting.

Do blue whales attack people?

Blue whales can't eat humans; their throats are too small. However, their size can accidentally cause damage to boats or swimmers. Protective mothers might also pose a risk if they feel their calves are threatened.

What do blue whale songs mean?

Blue whales use low-frequency sounds that can travel hundreds of miles underwater. The meanings of their songs remain unknown.
