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Traditional Lifestyles of the Inuit
The Inuit are an indigenous Arctic people who speak the languages of the Eskaleutian family and reside in four countries surrounding the North Pole: Greenland, Canada, the United States, and Russia.
Get to Know Your Ice
Ice plays a crucial role in everything from cooling your drink to regulating the planet's temperature. Let's explore the various forms of ice you might encounter during an Arctic or Antarctic adventure.
Greenland's History: When Vikings Ruled the Ice Age
A Greenland cruise offers a journey into a rich history filled with intriguing details that captivate polar expedition enthusiasts. Among the most fascinating historical aspects is the fact that Vikings once ruled this land. Anthropologists and climate scientists have long studied Greenland to pinpoint when and why the Vikings left. Recent findings have shed new light on this historical culture.
The Arctic Hare: Easter Bunny
Although the Arctic hare’s stern expression might make it seem like the least amused member of a serious tribunal, this polar animal is actually one of the most charming creatures on the planet – especially when Easter Sunday comes around.
Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists
Svalbard is situated in the north-western corner of the Eurasian plate. Historically, Svalbard was part of a vast continent that included North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. At one point, both Northeast Greenland and Svalbard were submerged under the ocean before resurfacing.
Not Eskimos: 10 Enlightening Facts About the Inuit
If you are planning to join an Arctic cruise, you might be intrigued by the Inuit culture. To help you gain a deeper understanding of these people, especially if you are considering a trip to Greenland, here are 10 fascinating facts about the Inuit that everyone should know.
Everything you need to know about Antarctic icebergs
The ice in Antarctica might seem static, but it is constantly moving. Pieces of ice are continuously breaking off from ice shelves, glaciers, or other icebergs. They float freely along with the Antarctic currents, with about 90 percent of their mass below the surface of the water. This fact is actually what gave rise to the nowadays popular phrase “the tip of the iceberg”. Regardless, the sighting of the first iceberg is always a moment to celebrate in any and all Antarctic expeditions. So that you may appropriately ready yourself for that joyous moment, in this article you will find everything you need to know about Antarctic icebergs.
Seven Sublime Antarctic Bays
Antarctica is renowned for its glaciers, icebergs, and panoramic colonies of penguins. However, less known are the stunning crystal-clear bays that dot the Great White Continent, many of which are explored on our Antarctica cruise routes.
Book Recommendations for Your Polar Cruise
Though books can't replace the experience of visiting the polar regions, they make excellent companions for your journey. We reached out to our social media followers, many of whom are past or future travelers, to gather their recommendations for polar-related books. The results were impressive, and we've compiled them below in no particular order.
First to the North Pole: Five Failed but Brave Expeditions
Being first to reach the North Pole was seen by several nations as economically invaluable due to the open polar sea said to encircle it, but for the explorers themselves it was also a gloriously adventurous grab for immortality.
Puffins: Clown Birds of the Atlantic
Puffins are part of a family of 22 seabird species known as auks, which are pigeon-sized birds that thrive on a diet of small fish and crustaceans.
Orcas (aka Killer Whales) of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic
Orcas are highly social and intelligent members of the dolphin family Delphinidae. They are sometimes referred to as killer whales, though this name has somewhat fallen out of fashion due to inaccurately characterizing orcas as ferocious predators.
Antarctic krill: Antarctica's Superfood
The size of a paper clip, pink, krill is a shrimp-like crustacean that does not look like much. Without them, though, the Earth's marine ecosystems would collapse completely.
The History of Antarctica in Maps
Long before human eyes ever beheld Antarctica, the ancients were convinced that it existed – or at least something like it.
The Ancient Fossil Forests of Antarctica
Over a hundred years ago, Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition to Antarctica discovered fossils of plants on the Beardmore Glacier, less than 500 km (310 miles) from the South Pole. Edward Wilson, who was the expedition’s chief scientist, recorded the findings in his diary, stating that “most of the bigger leaves were like beech leaves in shape and venation.”
The Northern Lights dancing across the skies
The Northern Lights typically manifest in a belt with a radius of 2,500 kilometers centered on the magnetic North Pole. This auroral zone spans northern Scandinavia, Iceland, the southern tip of Greenland, and continues over northern Canada, Alaska, and along the northern coast of Siberia.
Where the Polar Bears Roam
Going to the Arctic without clapping eyes on a wild polar bear can be reasonably compared to visiting Africa without seeing a giraffe or a zebra or, most analogously, a lion.
A Diving Dream Fulfilled
Last January, Mark Hatter achieved a dream he’d been training for over two years. Booking his berth aboard the m/v Ortelius and making the long flight to Ushuaia, Argentina, he and two of his friends sailed down the famous Drake Passage, bound for Earth’s southernmost continent. But their Antarctica trip was not just about shoreline walks and photographing penguins.
Keep It Green: Our Commitment to Sustainable Polar Travel
It doesn’t make much sense for expedition travel if every time we visit the polar regions we leave them worse than we found them. And that’s just considering things from a purely human perspective, which we don’t.
Svalbard’s Texas Bar
Texas Bar is one of the historic areas we visit on certain Svalbard trips, and it always proves to be a cherished landing site among both our guides and guests. This might be surprising, however, given that its name can be a bit misleading.