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Antarctica’s first Marine Protected Area - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica’s first Marine Protected Area

In October of this year, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, which includes 24 countries such as the United States, the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand, reached a consensus on a New Zealand/United States proposal to establish a large-scale Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Ross Sea region.
Polar Cruises: The Ultimate Icebreaker - Nexta Expeditions

Polar Cruises: The Ultimate Icebreaker

Travel is one of life’s great eye openers. It brings you into contact with new people and perspectives, challenges old assumptions you haven’t held to the light in years, and invites you to make unexpected discoveries about the world around you – and most of all, yourself. Added to which, you get to visit places you never knew you loved until you saw them.
The Norse Settlement of Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

The Norse Settlement of Greenland

Erik the Red is a significant and vibrant figure in the history of the Norse Vikings. His story is primarily documented in the Icelandic Sagas Huaksbók (14th Century) and Skalhóltsbók (15th Century). These accounts offer slightly different versions of events that occurred 3-400 years earlier. The original saga of Erik the Red is believed to have been written around 1200 A.D., with the Skalhóltsbók version considered closest to the original. Additionally, Flateyjarbók (13th Century), which includes the Saga of the Greenlanders, is a crucial source for understanding the settlement of Greenland and the discovery of Vinland – North America.
Scoresby Sund: the Greatest Greenland Adventure - Nexta Expeditions

Scoresby Sund: the Greatest Greenland Adventure

In a land of expansive mountains, colossal glaciers, and majestic shorelines, few places are as expansive, colossal, or majestic as Scoresby Sund.
Antarctica: When to Visit, How to Plan, What to Expect - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica: When to Visit, How to Plan, What to Expect

Antarctica is an astonishing location loved in equal measure by ice enthusiasts and continent hoppers, but it also asks a lot in return for its prestigious polar status.
Polar Marine Visitors: the Whales of Antarctica and the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

Polar Marine Visitors: the Whales of Antarctica and the Arctic

Whales are the world’s largest mammals, found in the Arctic and Antarctica. This article covers some of the major species you may see on voyages to these remarkable areas.
11 South Orkney Animals: Whales, Seabirds, and Penguins Aplenty - Nexta Expeditions

11 South Orkney Animals: Whales, Seabirds, and Penguins Aplenty

The South Orkney Islands are often overlooked as a destination for Antarctic travel.
Port Lockroy: History, Post Office, and Resident Penguins - Nexta Expeditions

Port Lockroy: History, Post Office, and Resident Penguins

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the stunning coastlines, fjords, and other natural wonders of Antarctica, overlooking the man-made attractions nestled in between.
Book Recommendations for Your Polar Cruise - Nexta Expeditions

Book Recommendations for Your Polar Cruise

Though books can't replace the experience of visiting the polar regions, they make excellent companions for your journey. We reached out to our social media followers, many of whom are past or future travelers, to gather their recommendations for polar-related books. The results were impressive, and we've compiled them below in no particular order.
Antarctic Icon: 44 Facts About the Emperor Penguin - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctic Icon: 44 Facts About the Emperor Penguin

What polar bears are for the Arctic, emperor penguins are for Antarctica. These flightless aquatic birds are probably the most recognizable animals in the southern polar regions and certainly among the most popular wildlife attractions for our passengers.
Polar Bear Sets Impressive New Diving Record - Nexta Expeditions

Polar Bear Sets Impressive New Diving Record

According to polar bear experts Rinie van Meurs and Dr. Ian Stirling, the new record for polar bear diving is an astounding three minutes and 10 seconds. Unless this particular polar bear has an unusually large lung capacity, we can now safely assume that these creatures have the ability to remain underwater for an extended period of time.
Inside the Svalbard Global Seed Vault - Nexta Expeditions

Inside the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Literature, cinema, and even video games often present us with various global disaster scenarios. These typically involve devastating wars, catastrophic natural events, or widespread pandemics that leave survivors scavenging for food and supplies amidst hordes of zombies.
The Giant Petrels of King George Island - Nexta Expeditions

The Giant Petrels of King George Island

Antarctica is undeniably one of the world’s premier birding destinations.
Antarctic krill: Antarctica's Superfood - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctic krill: Antarctica's Superfood

The size of a paper clip, pink, krill is a shrimp-like crustacean that does not look like much. Without them, though, the Earth's marine ecosystems would collapse completely.
Svalbard’s 12 Most Iconic Animals - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard’s 12 Most Iconic Animals

Each of our Arctic regions offers its own distinct and unforgettable features: Greenland boasts mountainous shorelines and record-setting fjords, Northern Norway is renowned for the aurora borealis and historic masted schooners, and Svalbard (especially Spitsbergen) is where you're most likely to encounter a variety of Arctic wildlife.
Top 10 Tips for Packing Your Polar Photography Equipment - Nexta Expeditions

Top 10 Tips for Packing Your Polar Photography Equipment

One of the most common questions I get asked before a cruise is, “What photography equipment should I bring?” It’s a broad question, and answers vary based on the individual. There are, however, a few key pointers that apply to almost everyone.
Adélie Penguins: the Little People of the Antarctic - Nexta Expeditions

Adélie Penguins: the Little People of the Antarctic

Described as “an object of endless pleasure and amusement” by Apsley Cherry-Garrard, survivor of Robert Falcon Scott’s ill-fated Terra Nova expedition to the South Pole, the Adélie penguin stands with the regal and iconic emperor penguin as one of only two penguin species found on mainland Antarctica.
10 Terrific Antarctic Bird Facts - Nexta Expeditions

10 Terrific Antarctic Bird Facts

Antarctica is a premier destination for birdwatching, boasting around 45 unique species. Describing them all would require an extensive article, so here we will focus on 10 fascinating facts about the birds you can encounter in Antarctica.
The Mysteries of the Beluga Whale - Nexta Expeditions

The Mysteries of the Beluga Whale

Beluga whales, also known as white whales, sea canaries, and sometimes melonheads, are a rare but cherished sight during Arctic cruises, thanks to their striking appearance. Despite the rarity of beluga sightings, a good amount is known about these friendly-faced cetaceans.
The Ways and Wildlife of the Weddell Sea - Nexta Expeditions

The Ways and Wildlife of the Weddell Sea

The Weddell Sea is situated off the coast of Antarctica, at the southernmost part of the Atlantic Ocean. Its coordinates are 75 degrees south and 47 degrees west, encompassing the Argentine, Chilean, and British territories of Antarctica. The severe weather and extensive pack ice have historically made the Weddell Sea challenging to access, but modern icebreaker ships are now enabling explorers to venture into this remote area.