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Scenes from St. Andrews Bay:  12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More - Nexta Expeditions

Scenes from St. Andrews Bay: 12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More

If you ever find yourself exploring the breathtaking sub-Antarctic island chain of South Georgia, one of the most captivating spots you'll encounter is the picturesque shoreline of St. Andrews Bay.
Arctic Seals - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Seals

Owing to the large landmasses that populate the Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic boasts the most diverse wildlife among the planet’s polar regions. Some of the most captivating Arctic animals are the marine mammals found just offshore.
Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists

Svalbard is situated in the north-western corner of the Eurasian plate. Historically, Svalbard was part of a vast continent that included North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. At one point, both Northeast Greenland and Svalbard were submerged under the ocean before resurfacing.
Churches in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Churches in Antarctica

'Below 40 degrees South there is no law; below 50 degrees South, there is no God', goes the old adage. When faced with a storm in the turbulent and freezing waters of the Drake Passage, one might think so.
Greenland's History: When Vikings Ruled the Ice Age - Nexta Expeditions

Greenland's History: When Vikings Ruled the Ice Age

A Greenland cruise offers a journey into a rich history filled with intriguing details that captivate polar expedition enthusiasts. Among the most fascinating historical aspects is the fact that Vikings once ruled this land. Anthropologists and climate scientists have long studied Greenland to pinpoint when and why the Vikings left. Recent findings have shed new light on this historical culture.
12 photo tips to make better pictures on your Antarctica cruise - Nexta Expeditions

12 photo tips to make better pictures on your Antarctica cruise

During your trip in the Arctic or Antarctic cruise you and your camera equipment will be exposed to a variety of challenging conditions. Be careful with your equipment and protect it from the salty spray when in Zodiacs, on a beach, or on deck. Salt water and electronics is not a good mix!
11 Seals You May See in Antarctica or the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

11 Seals You May See in Antarctica or the Arctic

1. Weddell seals – These seals are known for their calm demeanor and spend most of their lives beneath the Antarctic ice. Although they need to come up for air, they can remain underwater for up to 45 minutes. Weddell seals can dive to depths of 610 meters (2,000 feet) in search of food. These vocal animals usually have one pup annually and can grow up to 3 meters (10 feet) and weigh 544 kg (1,200 lbs).
Penguins, Petrels, and Prions: Top Antarctica Bird Tour Spots - Nexta Expeditions

Penguins, Petrels, and Prions: Top Antarctica Bird Tour Spots

If anyone tells you Antarctica is for the birds, they’re right.
The Secret Life of Glaciers: How They Form, Move, and Melt - Nexta Expeditions

The Secret Life of Glaciers: How They Form, Move, and Melt

One of the most awe-inspiring natural wonders you can witness on an Arctic or Antarctic expedition is glaciers. These immense ice formations have been gradually moving from the mountains to the oceans for countless years, acting as both time capsules and indicators of our rapidly changing environment.
Antarctica Cities (and Five Other Things That Don’t Exist There) - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica Cities (and Five Other Things That Don’t Exist There)

Why write about what you won't find in Antarctica? Most travel blogs highlight what a destination offers, but many polar tourists visit Antarctica to experience a new world and escape their old one.
Highlights from the First Arctic Voyage of Hondius - Nexta Expeditions

Highlights from the First Arctic Voyage of Hondius

Our new ship Hondius completed its first Arctic expedition cruise on June 14, 2019. This being a new ship, the maiden voyage was not without its hiccups. But despite these, passenger response to the expedition was overwhelmingly positive.
Encounter with the emperor penguin in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Encounter with the emperor penguin in Antarctica

Dutch journalist Gemma Venhuizen embarked on the MV Ortelius during the Weddell Sea cruise 'In search of the emperor penguins'. She had several encounters with this majestic penguin species - both from the sea and from the air.
10 Weather-Fueled Facts about Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

10 Weather-Fueled Facts about Antarctica

Most of us have at least a vague notion of what makes the North and South Poles so brutally, bone-chillingly cold: They receive less sunlight than the rest of the planet, what sunlight they do receive arrives at an angle, and they’re usually buried under endless mounds of ice and snow. This holds especially true for the South Pole and its centerpiece, Antarctica. Fewer people know, however, what drives Antarctic weather, or what results from it. Here are ten weather-related facts about the most southern continent that will put your polar meteorology ahead of the curve.
Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic

The Arctic, surprisingly, hosts a rich and varied array of freshwater ecosystems, including lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, deltas, and wetlands. Some of the world's largest rivers and deltas, such as the Lena, Ob, and Yenisei, are found in this region.
Coming Back from the Brink: The Fur Seals of Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Coming Back from the Brink: The Fur Seals of Antarctica

Once hunted to the brink of extinction, the Antarctic fur seal is now one of the most populous and charismatic species of seal you’re likely to encounter during your Antarctica trips. Unlike other members of its large family, the fur seal has external ears, or pinnae, a short snout, and a thick coat of dark brown fur. Male seals tend to be larger than females, with weights ranging from 91 kg (200 lbs.) to 215 kg (474 lbs.).
The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed - Nexta Expeditions

The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed

There are only six species of seals that inhabit the Antarctic: Southern elephant seals, Antarctic fur seals, crabeater seals, leopard seals, Ross seals, and Weddell seals. While we are familiar with these species, much about their lives remains a mystery.
Flowers in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Flowers in Antarctica

The polar regions are among the most inhospitable environments for plants and animals. Life here faces numerous challenges, including low temperatures, high winds, solar radiation, and cell freezing. The Antarctic continent experiences extreme conditions, with darkness during winter and continuous light during summer. Winter temperatures can drop to -60°C or lower.
Six Must-See Svalbard Sites - Nexta Expeditions

Six Must-See Svalbard Sites

It’s home to humanity’s last-ditch supply of crop seeds, the world’s northernmost settlement of over 1,000 people, and it is one of the best places on Earth to spot a polar bear.
Inside the Svalbard Global Seed Vault - Nexta Expeditions

Inside the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Literature, cinema, and even video games often present us with various global disaster scenarios. These typically involve devastating wars, catastrophic natural events, or widespread pandemics that leave survivors scavenging for food and supplies amidst hordes of zombies.
An igneous paradise: Franklin Island - Nexta Expeditions

An igneous paradise: Franklin Island

In the most remote reaches of the world's oceans, those daring enough to embark on the Ortelius to the Ross Sea eagerly boarded zodiacs in the southernmost part of the Pacific Ocean.