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Scenes from St. Andrews Bay:  12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More - Nexta Expeditions

Scenes from St. Andrews Bay: 12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More

If you ever find yourself exploring the breathtaking sub-Antarctic island chain of South Georgia, one of the most captivating spots you'll encounter is the picturesque shoreline of St. Andrews Bay.
Going Green: Ascension Island Sea Turtles - Nexta Expeditions

Going Green: Ascension Island Sea Turtles

Gold beaches, green mountains - and greener turtles.
Taking the Polar Plunge - Nexta Expeditions

Taking the Polar Plunge

There are some human activities that for many people simply defy understanding: We juggle chainsaws, we breathe fire, we fling ourselves out of perfectly good airplanes.
Path of Polar Heroes: Hiking Shackleton’s Historic Route - Nexta Expeditions

Path of Polar Heroes: Hiking Shackleton’s Historic Route

“We had seen God in his splendors, heard the text that Nature renders.” ~Ernest Shackleton
Five Reasons Why Snowshoeing is a Perfect Polar Activity - Nexta Expeditions

Five Reasons Why Snowshoeing is a Perfect Polar Activity

One of the most beloved polar sports is also one of the oldest. Snowshoeing has been the preferred means of foot travel in the Arctic since antiquity, and in the years since Antarctica was discovered, it has been highly popular among researchers and polar tourists alike.
The bowhead whale, whaling about the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

The bowhead whale, whaling about the Arctic

The bowhead whale typically resides near pack ice, often in shallow waters. These whales are commonly found north of Europe, between Canada and Greenland, in the Hudson Bay area, the Okhotsk Sea, and the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. In these regions, they filter food through their large baleen plates. Bowheads are known to open their large mouths and graze along the surface, in the water column, or on the sea floor.
Polar Marine Visitors: the Whales of Antarctica and the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

Polar Marine Visitors: the Whales of Antarctica and the Arctic

Whales are the world’s largest mammals, found in the Arctic and Antarctica. This article covers some of the major species you may see on voyages to these remarkable areas.
North Norway, Northern Lights, and All the Pretty Whales - Nexta Expeditions

North Norway, Northern Lights, and All the Pretty Whales

At first glance, visiting Northern Norway outside of a blazing-hot summer might seem daunting for the average traveler.
15 Falkland Islands Bird Photos - Nexta Expeditions

15 Falkland Islands Bird Photos

The remote sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Falkland Islands is a haven for bird enthusiasts, offering a unique and abundant selection of birds, especially seabirds.
Gough Island: Seabird Capital of the South Atlantic - Nexta Expeditions

Gough Island: Seabird Capital of the South Atlantic

Gough Island is a remote volcanic island in the South Atlantic, uninhabited except for a small party of meteorologists and (sometimes) biologists.
The First Buildings in Antarctica: Borchgrevink’s Historic Huts - Nexta Expeditions

The First Buildings in Antarctica: Borchgrevink’s Historic Huts

Borchgrevink’s huts at Cape Adare hold a significant place in Antarctic history, being the first structures ever built on the continent.
10 Books and Films To Prepare for your Antarctica cruise - Nexta Expeditions

10 Books and Films To Prepare for your Antarctica cruise

Exploring the Wonders of the Deep Sea

The deep sea remains one of the most mysterious and least explored regions on our planet. With its vast, dark expanses and unique ecosystems, it continues to captivate scientists and adventurers alike.
Svalbard’s 12 Most Iconic Animals - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard’s 12 Most Iconic Animals

Each of our Arctic regions offers its own distinct and unforgettable features: Greenland boasts mountainous shorelines and record-setting fjords, Northern Norway is renowned for the aurora borealis and historic masted schooners, and Svalbard (especially Spitsbergen) is where you're most likely to encounter a variety of Arctic wildlife.
8 Scientific Wonders of the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

8 Scientific Wonders of the Arctic

The Arctic’s frozen landscape not only contains scenic gems, it also prompts fascinating advances in research. Here are some of the eight best.
Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists

Svalbard is situated in the north-western corner of the Eurasian plate. Historically, Svalbard was part of a vast continent that included North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. At one point, both Northeast Greenland and Svalbard were submerged under the ocean before resurfacing.
Exploration of the Polar Regions - Nexta Expeditions

Exploration of the Polar Regions

From the Vikings via the first whale and seal hunters to Scott and Amundsen, from the maritime explorers Franklin and Nordenskiöld to present-day polar tourism, a quick tour through history reveals some of the aspects which motivated people to extend their horizons. Existential need, sheer curiosity, imperial greed, polar science, and a taste for adventure all converged in regions which pardon no mistakes.
10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland

Grasses, sedges, and other species of heath were the first arrivals, and are still commonly found in Greenland. Scientists have been able to work out how plants colonised Greenland by examining ancient pollen samples found in deposits at the bottom of lakes: Dwarf birch came to western Greenland around 9,000 years ago, and around 4,500 years ago – roughly the same time humans were first boating onto Greenland shores – green alders were taking up residence there.
Islands of the Blessed: Things to Do Around Cape Verde - Nexta Expeditions

Islands of the Blessed: Things to Do Around Cape Verde

We visit Cape Verde and its capital city of Praia during our occasional St. Helena to Cape Verde voyages. Characterized by peaceful days at sea, these trips allow you to see some of the lesser-known gems of the Atlantic.
Hot Ice: Breeding Practices of Five Polar Animals - Nexta Expeditions

Hot Ice: Breeding Practices of Five Polar Animals

Last Valentine's Day we gave you 14 wildlife pictures highlighting the ins, outs, ups, and downs of polar romance. This year we're moving on to something a little more advanced: the nitty-gritty details of polar wildlife breeding rituals.
Spitsbergen: a true polar bear trip - Nexta Expeditions

Spitsbergen: a true polar bear trip

On the third day of our Svalbard cruise, we navigated through the sea ice north of Spitsbergen. The morning greeted us with fog and fragmented ice, but conditions gradually improved. A swarm of black-legged kittiwakes trailed behind us, as our ship stirred the waters, pushing aside ice floes to reveal the tiny dark polar cod beneath.