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Svalbard’s Texas Bar - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard’s Texas Bar

Texas Bar is one of the historic areas we visit on certain Svalbard trips, and it always proves to be a cherished landing site among both our guides and guests. This might be surprising, however, given that its name can be a bit misleading.
Fierce and Feathered: the Skuas of Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Fierce and Feathered: the Skuas of Antarctica

At first glance, the skuas you encounter in Antarctica may appear to be merely darker-feathered seagulls. But looks can be deceiving.
International Polar Bear Day - Nexta Expeditions

International Polar Bear Day

It will come as no surprise to you that we're crazy about polar bears. We have multiple blogs about where to find polar bears, we offer dozens of polar bear trips, and we've even written a short story from a polar bear's point of view. (Yes, we actually did that.) So if you were to say that our love of polar bears borders on obsession, you wouldn't be far off.
The Ins, Outs, and Ups of Polar Mountaineering & Ski Mountaineering - Nexta Expeditions

The Ins, Outs, and Ups of Polar Mountaineering & Ski Mountaineering

Traveling to the polar regions, whether to the Arctic or Antarctica, is an adventure almost no matter what you do.
The Mysteries of the Beluga Whale - Nexta Expeditions

The Mysteries of the Beluga Whale

Beluga whales, also known as white whales, sea canaries, and sometimes melonheads, are a rare but cherished sight during Arctic cruises, thanks to their striking appearance. Despite the rarity of beluga sightings, a good amount is known about these friendly-faced cetaceans.
Polar Bear Sets Impressive New Diving Record - Nexta Expeditions

Polar Bear Sets Impressive New Diving Record

According to polar bear experts Rinie van Meurs and Dr. Ian Stirling, the new record for polar bear diving is an astounding three minutes and 10 seconds. Unless this particular polar bear has an unusually large lung capacity, we can now safely assume that these creatures have the ability to remain underwater for an extended period of time.
Albatross, penguin and krill research in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Albatross, penguin and krill research in Antarctica

In the Antarctic region, extensive research is being conducted by national Antarctic programmes from countries like the UK, Australia, and Japan. These studies aim to understand species in the air, on the ground, and in the sea, and how these species are interconnected without variables such as human impacts and climate change.
Antarctica in Pictures: Photos from 2018 - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica in Pictures: Photos from 2018

Pictures can never truly capture the essence of an experience, and this is especially true for the breathtaking adventures in Antarctica.
10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland

Grasses, sedges, and other species of heath were the first arrivals, and are still commonly found in Greenland. Scientists have been able to work out how plants colonised Greenland by examining ancient pollen samples found in deposits at the bottom of lakes: Dwarf birch came to western Greenland around 9,000 years ago, and around 4,500 years ago – roughly the same time humans were first boating onto Greenland shores – green alders were taking up residence there.
Arctic and Antarctic Basecamp Cruises – Choose Your Own Adventure - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic and Antarctic Basecamp Cruises – Choose Your Own Adventure

There’s an astonishing variety of activities to choose from when planning an Arctic trip or Antarctic cruise, which can be a bit overwhelming. How do you choose just one voyage over another when you want to experience everything? Happily, you don’t have to give up one activity for another. Basecamp cruises have you covered.
An igneous paradise: Franklin Island - Nexta Expeditions

An igneous paradise: Franklin Island

In the most remote reaches of the world's oceans, those daring enough to embark on the Ortelius to the Ross Sea eagerly boarded zodiacs in the southernmost part of the Pacific Ocean.
First to the North Pole: Five Failed but Brave Expeditions - Nexta Expeditions

First to the North Pole: Five Failed but Brave Expeditions

Being first to reach the North Pole was seen by several nations as economically invaluable due to the open polar sea said to encircle it, but for the explorers themselves it was also a gloriously adventurous grab for immortality.
Penguins, Albatrosses, Petrels: The Winged Wildlife of South Georgia - Nexta Expeditions

Penguins, Albatrosses, Petrels: The Winged Wildlife of South Georgia

South Georgia’s location south of the Antarctic Convergence gives the island a more Antarctic-like climate compared to other regions at the same latitude. The climate here is marked by cold, cloudy, wet, and windy conditions with highly variable weather.
The Pack Ice and Polar Bears of North Spitsbergen - Nexta Expeditions

The Pack Ice and Polar Bears of North Spitsbergen

The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is renowned for being one of the prime locations to observe polar bears. The largest island in this region, Spitsbergen, not only offers sightings of these majestic Arctic creatures but also provides a unique opportunity to experience the phenomenon of pack ice.
Gough Island: Seabird Capital of the South Atlantic - Nexta Expeditions

Gough Island: Seabird Capital of the South Atlantic

Gough Island is a remote volcanic island in the South Atlantic, uninhabited except for a small party of meteorologists and (sometimes) biologists.
Guidelines for visitors to Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Guidelines for visitors to Antarctica

Activities in the Antarctic are governed by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and associated agreements, collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System. The Treaty established Antarctica as a zone dedicated to peace and science. In 1991, the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties adopted the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, designating the Antarctic as a natural reserve.
The Arctic Borderland of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard - Nexta Expeditions

The Arctic Borderland of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

Kongsfjorden is a glacial fjord in Svalbard that hosts a diverse array of flora and fauna.
Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life

When many people think of the Arctic, they probably imagine a stark white wasteland devoid of anything except snow, glaciers, and the occasional far-wandering polar bear.
Antarctic krill: Antarctica's Superfood - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctic krill: Antarctica's Superfood

The size of a paper clip, pink, krill is a shrimp-like crustacean that does not look like much. Without them, though, the Earth's marine ecosystems would collapse completely.
Scenes from St. Andrews Bay:  12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More - Nexta Expeditions

Scenes from St. Andrews Bay: 12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More

If you ever find yourself exploring the breathtaking sub-Antarctic island chain of South Georgia, one of the most captivating spots you'll encounter is the picturesque shoreline of St. Andrews Bay.