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Svalbard vs. the Canadian Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard vs. the Canadian Arctic

It’s easy to assume the Arctic is uniform, a vast expanse of northern freeze shaped by snow, ice, and endless darkness.
How Arctic Wildlife Differs from Antarctic - Nexta Expeditions

How Arctic Wildlife Differs from Antarctic

While the north and south poles share certain characteristics, they are also remarkably distinct. Both regions are cold and dry, yet each has its own unique terrain and climate. The Antarctic is particularly harsh and inhospitable, with only two native vascular plant species, whereas the Arctic tundra supports a wider range of fauna due to its relatively warmer temperatures and greater plant diversity. Here are some of the animals you can find in the Arctic compared to the Antarctic.
Path of Polar Heroes: Hiking Shackleton’s Historic Route - Nexta Expeditions

Path of Polar Heroes: Hiking Shackleton’s Historic Route

“We had seen God in his splendors, heard the text that Nature renders.” ~Ernest Shackleton
Port Pastimes: 7 Fun Things to Do in Longyearbyen - Nexta Expeditions

Port Pastimes: 7 Fun Things to Do in Longyearbyen

Waiting in port for an Arctic expedition cruise to begin might seem a little like waiting for water to boil or coffee to brew or a Seinfeld reunion to materialize: Time seems to defy its own laws, life slows to a crawl, and you begin to wonder if it’s really going to be worth it.
“The polar bear will still be there” - Nexta Expeditions

“The polar bear will still be there”

For several hours, we had been navigating the pack ice in search of polar bears. Despite numerous binoculars scanning the ice, no bears were visible, and only a few tracks were found. This suggested we might be in an area with fewer bears. Later that morning, we decided to head a few miles east, suspecting a higher bear population there.
Living the Antarctic Dream - Nexta Expeditions

Living the Antarctic Dream

From October to March, during the Austral summer, thousands of breeding gentoo, Adèlie, and chinstrap penguins flock to the Western Antarctic Peninsula to rear their chicks and feast on krill before the harsh winter arrives. Alongside the penguins, field biologists from around the world gather to study these habits for conservation research. Observing these animals is one thing, but residing in an Antarctic field station for an entire breeding season is another. One particular field camp on King George Island, managed by American scientists, has perfected this Antarctic lifestyle and has thrived for over 30 years.
What to Pack for Your Expedition Cruise to the Arctic or Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

What to Pack for Your Expedition Cruise to the Arctic or Antarctica

It’s easy to get confused about what to pack for a polar cruise. Some items are provided and some are not, and it’s not always clear which is which. This article will make your polar pack list painstakingly clear. Promise.
Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life

When many people think of the Arctic, they probably imagine a stark white wasteland devoid of anything except snow, glaciers, and the occasional far-wandering polar bear.
Ice streams and lakes under the Greenland Ice Sheet - Nexta Expeditions

Ice streams and lakes under the Greenland Ice Sheet

The Greenland ice sheet is a dynamic mass of dense, flowing, and deforming ice. Snow deposited on the central parts of the ice sheet is gradually compressed into ice that slowly moves towards the ice margin. At the ice margin, the ice is removed by melting or by breaking off into icebergs.
Fierce and Feathered: the Skuas of Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Fierce and Feathered: the Skuas of Antarctica

At first glance, the skuas you encounter in Antarctica may appear to be merely darker-feathered seagulls. But looks can be deceiving.
Seven Frightfully Fun Polar Ghost Stories - Nexta Expeditions

Seven Frightfully Fun Polar Ghost Stories

The polar regions are unparalleled when it comes to ghost stories.
Antarctica’s Hourglass Dolphin - Nexta Expeditions

Antarctica’s Hourglass Dolphin

Though hourglass dolphins are especially rare, they’re actually not a threatened or endangered species.
South Georgia in Spring - Nexta Expeditions

South Georgia in Spring

What a fantastic time to be in South Georgia! Perhaps the best time of the year! The wildlife is abundant, and the light is simply magical for photography. Kings, Gentoos, Chinstraps, and Macaronis are all present along the shorelines. Elephant and Fur seals are also plentiful! Wandering albatrosses are welcoming their newly hatched chicks, while the non-breeders are actively engaged in their courtship rituals, practicing a ceremonial dance. Light-mantled, Sooty, and Grey-headed albatrosses are still feeding their fluffy chicks, as are the Giant petrels. We've been fortunate with the weather, finding ourselves in the right place at the right time to succeed in all our landings and zodiac cruises so far.
12 Things to Do in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

12 Things to Do in Antarctica

Traveling to Antarctica is unlike traveling to any other place on Earth.
Harp seals harping on in Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

Harp seals harping on in Greenland

Harp seals are a moderately sized species, typically reaching about 1.6 meters in length and weighing around 130 kilograms. Both males and females are similar in size and weight, with males being only slightly larger. They possess a thick, robust body, a small broad and flat head, short narrow flippers, and a narrow muzzle.
Arctic Seals - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Seals

Owing to the large landmasses that populate the Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic boasts the most diverse wildlife among the planet’s polar regions. Some of the most captivating Arctic animals are the marine mammals found just offshore.
Seven Tips to Get the Most out of Your Expedition Cruise - Nexta Expeditions

Seven Tips to Get the Most out of Your Expedition Cruise

Polar cruises are easy to enjoy, but there’s an art to getting the most out of them.
Arctic on Foot: Hiking and Snowshoeing the Far North - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic on Foot: Hiking and Snowshoeing the Far North

The focus of our voyages is always to get you off the ship and into the action as frequently as possible. While we travel from site to site on ice-strengthened vessels, our expeditions are crafted to provide you with the maximum firsthand experience of the polar regions and their unique wildlife.
The Eight Albatrosses of Antarctica and the Sub-Antarctic - Nexta Expeditions

The Eight Albatrosses of Antarctica and the Sub-Antarctic

Our guests are typically wildlife enthusiasts, with a particular interest in bird life. While many bird lovers focus on the penguins we encounter, there's a smaller yet equally passionate group that favors the more airborne seabirds. Among this birdwatching subset, the albatross is a species that garners (and deserves) significant attention.
Shackleton’s Long-Lost Endurance Discovered in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Shackleton’s Long-Lost Endurance Discovered in Antarctica

A discovery expedition launched by the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust achieved a long-awaited mission when it located Anglo-Irish explorer Ernest Shackleton’s lost ship Endurance last Saturday (March 5).