5 Life Lessons Youll Learn In Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions
5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica

5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica

Embarking on a journey to the Antarctic might seem daunting. However, cruise lines strive to simplify the process as much as possible. They typically assist with travel insurance, guide you to the embarkation point, and advise on the appropriate clothing to bring.

For these reasons, booking an Antarctic adventure is well within your reach – even if you’ve never experienced an expedition-style trip before.


Everyone has a “far away”

Antarctic cruises attract people from all over the globe. While some may live closer to Antarctica, arriving by cruise ship levels the playing field. No one will be more of an Antarctic native than you, even those who have been exploring the polar regions for years.

Additionally, there may be moments when you need assistance during an Antarctic cruise, but there will also be times when your unique life experiences can benefit others. Helping fellow passengers can remind you of your own strengths.

You learn what’s important to you

Being away from your usual surroundings and people helps you realize what you truly miss.

Typically, loved ones top the list of things you miss. If you’re fortunate, your job or a beloved hobby might come next. As you continue down the list, you may start to identify things that are merely sources of stress in your life.

You don’t need stuff

While possessions can be enjoyable, packing for an Antarctic trip highlights the difference between what is necessary and what is excessive. You may discover that the essentials are more than enough to keep you content when life itself is thrilling.

You can slow time – sort of

As we age, time seems to accelerate. Ask someone in their 50s about the past decade, and they’ll likely say it flew by. Ask a child about the past school day, and they’ll say it dragged on.

There’s scientific reasoning behind these perceptions: New experiences stand out in our memories, while routine ones tend to blur together. These new experiences often give us the feeling of having spent more time on them. Since an Antarctic cruise is an extraordinary experience for almost everyone, why not embark on one and live a longer, fuller life?



Visiting the Nearly Unknown: New Zealand’s Campbell Island - Nexta Expeditions

Visiting the Nearly Unknown: New Zealand’s Campbell Island

New Zealand is a renowned destination globally, and for good reason: It’s absolutely stunning. Almost every corner is filled with unparalleled beauty. But did you know that New Zealand includes several sub-Antarctic Islands that are almost completely unknown?
The Emperor Penguin of the Drake Passage - Nexta Expeditions

The Emperor Penguin of the Drake Passage

There are certain moments in life when a series of events combine to create an experience that is both unexpected and unforgettable. These are the times when you are reminded how fortunate you are to be a part of something that few people will ever have the opportunity to experience. This trip to Antarctica was full of these moments for me.
The Northern Lights dancing across the skies - Nexta Expeditions

The Northern Lights dancing across the skies

The Northern Lights typically manifest in a belt with a radius of 2,500 kilometers centered on the magnetic North Pole. This auroral zone spans northern Scandinavia, Iceland, the southern tip of Greenland, and continues over northern Canada, Alaska, and along the northern coast of Siberia.
Greenland: East vs. West - Nexta Expeditions

Greenland: East vs. West

East and West Greenland offer vastly different experiences due to their unique climates, wildlife, habitation, and geology.
10 Books and Films To Prepare for your Antarctica cruise - Nexta Expeditions

10 Books and Films To Prepare for your Antarctica cruise

The deep sea remains one of the most mysterious and least explored regions on our planet. With its vast, dark expanses and unique ecosystems, it continues to captivate scientists and adventurers alike.
Wreck Diving in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Wreck Diving in Antarctica

Scuba diving in Antarctica is an unparalleled adventure. Few places on Earth allow you to swim beneath icebergs and potentially encounter penguins or leopard seals. But the wonders of Antarctic diving don't end there.
Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard a Disneyland for geologists

Svalbard is situated in the north-western corner of the Eurasian plate. Historically, Svalbard was part of a vast continent that included North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. At one point, both Northeast Greenland and Svalbard were submerged under the ocean before resurfacing.
The Seasons of Antarctica: When to Visit and Why - Nexta Expeditions

The Seasons of Antarctica: When to Visit and Why

You’ve decided to book your dream trip – an adventurous Antarctica cruise that will give you a winning chance to see otherworldly environments, encounter exotic wildlife, and take part in activities that will spoil your inner explorer like nothing else.
“The polar bear will still be there” - Nexta Expeditions

“The polar bear will still be there”

For several hours, we had been navigating the pack ice in search of polar bears. Despite numerous binoculars scanning the ice, no bears were visible, and only a few tracks were found. This suggested we might be in an area with fewer bears. Later that morning, we decided to head a few miles east, suspecting a higher bear population there.
True South: A New Flag for a Global Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

True South: A New Flag for a Global Antarctica

When Evan Townsend signed up to spend the winter of 2018 working at an Antarctic research station, he had no reason to expect he would end the season by designing a new flag for the continent. He had even less reason to expect the support it would receive.
The History of Antarctica in Maps - Nexta Expeditions

The History of Antarctica in Maps

Long before human eyes ever beheld Antarctica, the ancients were convinced that it existed – or at least something like it.
Five of History’s Greatest Polar Explorers - Nexta Expeditions

Five of History’s Greatest Polar Explorers

Today’s visitors to the polar regions follow in the footsteps of some of the most famous explorers in history. Here is a list of five great explorers who braved the harsh lands of the Arctic and Antarctica.
Navigating by touch through the sea ice - Nexta Expeditions

Navigating by touch through the sea ice

Ships are meant to glide effortlessly through calm waters, but our Greenland expedition vessel Ortelius is shuddering and wiggling as it navigates through the calm yet frozen waters between Svalbard and the islands. We’re on the North Atlantic Odyssey, a journey that starts in continental Europe and concludes near the North Pole in Svalbard. Onboard are 115 enthusiastic passengers. Most of them are currently on the outer decks, cameras in hand, captivated by the sea ice.
Orcas of the Polar Seas - Nexta Expeditions

Orcas of the Polar Seas

The orca, also known as the killer whale, is the apex marine predator and possibly the most widespread vertebrate on the planet. While they are most numerous in colder regions like Antarctica, Norway, and Alaska, they also inhabit tropical and subtropical seas. Here, we’ll explore some essential orca facts you might want to know before encountering them in person, concluding with a fantastic video showcasing our top ten favorite killer whale facts.
Guidelines for visitors to Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Guidelines for visitors to Antarctica

Activities in the Antarctic are governed by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and associated agreements, collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System. The Treaty established Antarctica as a zone dedicated to peace and science. In 1991, the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties adopted the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, designating the Antarctic as a natural reserve.
10 Bountiful Blue Whale Facts - Nexta Expeditions

10 Bountiful Blue Whale Facts

The umbrella term “whale” refers to a wide variety of large marine mammals. To zero in on blue whales, however, we’ll need to unpack this term a bit. The Latin word for whale, cetus, is the root of the whale infraorder, Cetacea, the largest parvorder of which is Mysticeti.
Arctic Icon: 10 Facts about the Polar Bear - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Icon: 10 Facts about the Polar Bear

Polar bears are to the Arctic what penguins are to Antarctica.
Danger Beneath the Water: 10 Facts About Leopard Seals - Nexta Expeditions

Danger Beneath the Water: 10 Facts About Leopard Seals

If your thirst for adventure leads you to Antarctica, you may be lucky enough to cross paths with a leopard seal while you’re there. These amazing animals are wonderful to observe both in and out of the water, and they are a coveted part of the polar wildlife experience.
Penguins, Albatrosses, Petrels: The Winged Wildlife of South Georgia - Nexta Expeditions

Penguins, Albatrosses, Petrels: The Winged Wildlife of South Georgia

South Georgia’s location south of the Antarctic Convergence gives the island a more Antarctic-like climate compared to other regions at the same latitude. The climate here is marked by cold, cloudy, wet, and windy conditions with highly variable weather.
Puffins: Clown Birds of the Atlantic - Nexta Expeditions

Puffins: Clown Birds of the Atlantic

Puffins are part of a family of 22 seabird species known as auks, which are pigeon-sized birds that thrive on a diet of small fish and crustaceans.