Explore Antarctica Without Leaving Your Couch - Nexta Expeditions
Explore Antarctica Without Leaving Your Couch

Explore Antarctica Without Leaving Your Couch

There are numerous ways to embark on an Antarctica expedition from the comfort of your home. Explore these fantastic resources to experience the White Continent without leaving your couch.

Visit the expedition huts on Cape Evans, Ross Island

Take a virtual tour inside Scott's hut and explore the surrounding area with Google Street View. These small prefabricated wooden cabins, standing for over a century, offer a glimpse into how explorers lived and worked in the harsh Antarctic environment.

Visit Scott’s hut


Explore the highlights of the State Library of New South Wales' Antarctic collections

Delve into fascinating old maps, view paintings of Captain Cook's voyages, and admire photographs taken by explorers. Some personal favorites include: "Hauling the dogs up the flying-fox at 'The Grottoes'" by Andrew D. Watson; "Ice-caked Adelie penguins after a blizzard"; and "Cape Denison and Australian Antarctic Expedition Members: scenes inside living quarters, 1911-1915" by Frank Hurley.

Discovering Antarctica


Antarctic and Subantarctic Webcams

Penguin webcam at O'Higgins station Enjoy watching gentoo penguins in their natural habitat through webcams set up at a breeding colony at the German Antarctic Receiving Station (GARS) O'Higgins, located in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. The project, initiated by Martin Grund in 2004, continues to produce photographs. The site is primarily in German, but information is also available in English and Spanish.

Visit website Australian Antarctic Division View images from six webcams operated by the Australian Antarctic Division. Four are located at permanent stations: three on the Antarctic continent at Mawson, Casey, and Davis, and one at sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. A favorite is the webcam on the Nuyina, Australia’s icebreaker, which offers time-lapse movies from recent voyages and views from bow, stern, and port cameras. Additionally, the krill camera provides videos (updated every 15 minutes) of the marine research aquarium where scientists study krill. United States Antarctic Program Every 30 seconds, cameras at U.S. Antarctic stations capture live outdoor images. There are two cameras at McMurdo Station on Ross Island, two at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, and one at Palmer Station on the peninsula side of the continent. British Antarctic Survey Webcams are set up at several British stations and even on ships! The Bird Island Research Station webcam at Bird Island, South Georgia, shows a beach that serves as a fur seal breeding colony in summer, is visited by leopard seals in winter, and sees large male elephant seals in spring, with gentoo penguins present year-round.

Two cameras are located at King Edward Point in South Georgia: one in Larsen House and another on a weather mast. Webcams are also at the Rothera Research Station on Adelaide Island, west of the Antarctic Peninsula, and at the Halley VI Research Station, built on a floating ice shelf in the southeast Weddell Sea.

Two particularly interesting cameras are on British research vessels. One on the conning tower of the RRS Ernest Shackleton captures stunning scenery during the Antarctic summer (the ship heads north to the Arctic in winter), and another on the port side of the bridge of the RRS James Clark Ross provides breathtaking imagery while navigating Antarctic waters.


Islands of the Blessed: Things to Do Around Cape Verde - Nexta Expeditions

Islands of the Blessed: Things to Do Around Cape Verde

We visit Cape Verde and its capital city of Praia during our occasional St. Helena to Cape Verde voyages. Characterized by peaceful days at sea, these trips allow you to see some of the lesser-known gems of the Atlantic.
Birds of the South: 33 Antarctic Birds and Seabirds - Nexta Expeditions

Birds of the South: 33 Antarctic Birds and Seabirds

Of the many compelling reasons people travel to Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic, bird life is among the most beloved.
Wreck Diving in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Wreck Diving in Antarctica

Scuba diving in Antarctica is an unparalleled adventure. Few places on Earth allow you to swim beneath icebergs and potentially encounter penguins or leopard seals. But the wonders of Antarctic diving don't end there.
What to Expect When Crossing the Drake Passage - Nexta Expeditions

What to Expect When Crossing the Drake Passage

Positioned between the southern tail of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula's north-sweeping arm is a lively little waterway known as the Drake Passage.
Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life

When many people think of the Arctic, they probably imagine a stark white wasteland devoid of anything except snow, glaciers, and the occasional far-wandering polar bear.
Svalbard’s 12 Most Iconic Animals - Nexta Expeditions

Svalbard’s 12 Most Iconic Animals

Each of our Arctic regions offers its own distinct and unforgettable features: Greenland boasts mountainous shorelines and record-setting fjords, Northern Norway is renowned for the aurora borealis and historic masted schooners, and Svalbard (especially Spitsbergen) is where you're most likely to encounter a variety of Arctic wildlife.
Not Eskimos: 10 Enlightening Facts About the Inuit - Nexta Expeditions

Not Eskimos: 10 Enlightening Facts About the Inuit

If you are planning to join an Arctic cruise, you might be intrigued by the Inuit culture. To help you gain a deeper understanding of these people, especially if you are considering a trip to Greenland, here are 10 fascinating facts about the Inuit that everyone should know.
Bouvet Island: The Most Remote Island in the World - Nexta Expeditions

Bouvet Island: The Most Remote Island in the World

On January 1, 1739, French Commander Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier made an extraordinary discovery: a volcanic island so remote that it lies 2,600 km (1,600 miles) from the nearest inhabited land.
The Most Enchanting Antarctica Cruise Islands - Nexta Expeditions

The Most Enchanting Antarctica Cruise Islands

Whether it’s Greenland in the Arctic or Snow Hill Island in Antarctica, the bulk of our polar expeditions take place around, between, and upon islands.
Why You Should Visit Greenland: 11 Things to See, Do, and Explore - Nexta Expeditions

Why You Should Visit Greenland: 11 Things to See, Do, and Explore

There's nothing quite like witnessing your first Greenland glacier, navigating into the island's largest fjord system (which also happens to be Earth's largest), or observing a humpback whale breach over the dark Greenland Sea.
The Wildlife of Antarctica’s Seas and Skies - Nexta Expeditions

The Wildlife of Antarctica’s Seas and Skies

Antarctica is one of the most pristine environments on Earth, home to whales, penguins, seals, and birds, providing nature lovers with a treasure trove of wildlife memories to take back home.
Day and night in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

Day and night in Antarctica

At the Concordia station, a French-Italian research facility situated 3,233 meters above sea level at Dome C on the Antarctic Plateau, European Space Agency (ESA) scientists are investigating the effects of extended space missions. The station is more isolated than the International Space Station, with the nearest humans located 600 kilometers away.
Keep It Green: Our Commitment to Sustainable Polar Travel - Nexta Expeditions

Keep It Green: Our Commitment to Sustainable Polar Travel

It doesn’t make much sense for expedition travel if every time we visit the polar regions we leave them worse than we found them. And that’s just considering things from a purely human perspective, which we don’t.
Birding Opportunities Abound in Spitsbergen - Nexta Expeditions

Birding Opportunities Abound in Spitsbergen

Seabirds are the most prevalent type of bird in Spitsbergen. Experts have estimated that there are 164 bird species that have been found throughout Spitsbergen at various points during recent history, but only 30 of them are known to turn to the Svalbard Islands as their primary breeding spot.
The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed - Nexta Expeditions

The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed

There are only six species of seals that inhabit the Antarctic: Southern elephant seals, Antarctic fur seals, crabeater seals, leopard seals, Ross seals, and Weddell seals. While we are familiar with these species, much about their lives remains a mystery.
The World Is Changing for Greenland's Native Inuit People - Nexta Expeditions

The World Is Changing for Greenland's Native Inuit People

You may know them as Eskimos, but the people of the Arctic are officially called the Inuit. Historically, they were hunters in the truest sense. For hundreds of years, they survived the world’s harshest conditions, living off their prey of whales, seals, polar bears, musk oxen, birds, fish, and reindeer. This has always been their way of life.
Discover the Scoresby Sund Fjord System in East Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

Discover the Scoresby Sund Fjord System in East Greenland

Are you considering a trip to Greenland? One destination you absolutely must visit is the world's largest fjord with stunning landscapes: Scoresby Sund.
5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions

5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica

Embarking on a journey to the Antarctic might seem daunting. However, cruise lines strive to simplify the process as much as possible. They typically assist with travel insurance, guide you to the embarkation point, and advise on the appropriate clothing to bring.
The Enchanting Islands of Svalbard - Nexta Expeditions

The Enchanting Islands of Svalbard

Svalbard is an Arctic archipelago situated between the North Pole and the Norwegian mainland, offering visitors some of the most stunning wildlife and landscapes in the world. Here we explore seven of the most visited Svalbard islands, highlighting the many wonders that draw people back year after year.
South Georgia in Spring - Nexta Expeditions

South Georgia in Spring

What a fantastic time to be in South Georgia! Perhaps the best time of the year! The wildlife is abundant, and the light is simply magical for photography. Kings, Gentoos, Chinstraps, and Macaronis are all present along the shorelines. Elephant and Fur seals are also plentiful! Wandering albatrosses are welcoming their newly hatched chicks, while the non-breeders are actively engaged in their courtship rituals, practicing a ceremonial dance. Light-mantled, Sooty, and Grey-headed albatrosses are still feeding their fluffy chicks, as are the Giant petrels. We've been fortunate with the weather, finding ourselves in the right place at the right time to succeed in all our landings and zodiac cruises so far.