An Igneous Paradise Franklin Island - Nexta Expeditions
An igneous paradise: Franklin Island

An igneous paradise: Franklin Island

In the most remote reaches of the world's oceans, those daring enough to embark on the Ortelius to the Ross Sea eagerly boarded zodiacs in the southernmost part of the Pacific Ocean.

Today’s destination? Franklin Island.

Franklin Island is more than just a heap of volcanic debris in the Ross Sea; it is actually the remnants of a shield volcano. It wasn't until 1841 that Sir James C. Ross discovered the island off the coast of Victoria Land during his quest to reach the south magnetic pole. Ross chose to name the island in honor of John Franklin, the Arctic explorer and governor of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania).


Adélie penguins hopping from rock to rock, Weddell seals yawning, and perfectly iced volcanic rocks under an eerie Antarctic sky greeted us as we navigated between rocky outcroppings near the southern edges of Franklin Island. However, as we rounded a corner, we were hit by the overwhelming stench of guano. This pungent odor, a mix of all things putrid, can wake you up faster than ten shots of espresso. With watering eyes, we approached the large Adélie colony on the southern beach of Franklin Island.


As our nasal passages adjusted to the unpleasant smell, everyone was struck by the imposing sight of Bernacchi Head. Named after Louis Bernacchi, a physicist and astronomer renowned for his Antarctic explorations, Bernacchi Head left a lasting impression. One passenger even remarked that the sight of Bernacchi Head brought tears to her eyes—not from the guano, but from the indescribable stark beauty of this remote island.


17 Reasons to Cruise the Falklands - Nexta Expeditions

17 Reasons to Cruise the Falklands

Maybe you’ve already marveled at the colossal penguin colonies of South Georgia, sailed among the plunging seals of the Antarctic Peninsula, and watched whales in the Weddell Sea lunge among titanic tabular icebergs.
Path of Polar Heroes: Hiking Shackleton’s Historic Route - Nexta Expeditions

Path of Polar Heroes: Hiking Shackleton’s Historic Route

“We had seen God in his splendors, heard the text that Nature renders.” ~Ernest Shackleton
“The polar bear will still be there” - Nexta Expeditions

“The polar bear will still be there”

For several hours, we had been navigating the pack ice in search of polar bears. Despite numerous binoculars scanning the ice, no bears were visible, and only a few tracks were found. This suggested we might be in an area with fewer bears. Later that morning, we decided to head a few miles east, suspecting a higher bear population there.
The Classic Polar Cruise: Antarctic Peninsula Facts, Pics, and More - Nexta Expeditions

The Classic Polar Cruise: Antarctic Peninsula Facts, Pics, and More

When it comes to experiencing the vast wonders of Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula stands out as an unparalleled destination.
Greenland: Where the Kayak Was Invented - Nexta Expeditions

Greenland: Where the Kayak Was Invented

If you've ever enjoyed kayaking, you owe a debt of gratitude to the ancient Greenlandic Inuit who originally designed them for hunting. The thrilling adventures people now have navigating some of the world's most challenging rapids wouldn't be possible without the Inuit's need for a nimble form of water transportation. While travelers still use kayaks in this region, they are typically not fishing, whaling, or sealing. Consequently, recreational kayaks have been adapted to fit their new role.
The Ways and Wildlife of the Weddell Sea - Nexta Expeditions

The Ways and Wildlife of the Weddell Sea

The Weddell Sea is situated off the coast of Antarctica, at the southernmost part of the Atlantic Ocean. Its coordinates are 75 degrees south and 47 degrees west, encompassing the Argentine, Chilean, and British territories of Antarctica. The severe weather and extensive pack ice have historically made the Weddell Sea challenging to access, but modern icebreaker ships are now enabling explorers to venture into this remote area.
Greenland: East vs. West - Nexta Expeditions

Greenland: East vs. West

East and West Greenland offer vastly different experiences due to their unique climates, wildlife, habitation, and geology.
Large and in Charge: Antarctica’s Southern Elephant Seals - Nexta Expeditions

Large and in Charge: Antarctica’s Southern Elephant Seals

Southern elephant seals are the largest species of seal on the planet and a highlight among Antarctica cruise wildlife.
Birds of the South: 33 Antarctic Birds and Seabirds - Nexta Expeditions

Birds of the South: 33 Antarctic Birds and Seabirds

Of the many compelling reasons people travel to Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic, bird life is among the most beloved.
Baleen Whales – The Gentle Giants of the Ocean - Nexta Expeditions

Baleen Whales – The Gentle Giants of the Ocean

They are the largest animals on Earth, yet they thrive on some of the tiniest creatures. These giants can reach lengths of 30 meters (90 feet), but it is the microscopic zooplankton, krill, and small fish that sustain them. These are the baleen whales. Unlike toothed whales, baleen whales lack teeth. Instead, they use plates of baleen in their mouths to trap and consume their tiny prey.
The Arctic Hare: Easter Bunny - Nexta Expeditions

The Arctic Hare: Easter Bunny

Although the Arctic hare’s stern expression might make it seem like the least amused member of a serious tribunal, this polar animal is actually one of the most charming creatures on the planet – especially when Easter Sunday comes around.
The Wildlife of Antarctica’s Seas and Skies - Nexta Expeditions

The Wildlife of Antarctica’s Seas and Skies

Antarctica is one of the most pristine environments on Earth, home to whales, penguins, seals, and birds, providing nature lovers with a treasure trove of wildlife memories to take back home.
Ancient Arctic Exploration - Nexta Expeditions

Ancient Arctic Exploration

When it comes to polar exploration, the Arctic boasts a much longer history compared to Antarctica.
Amphibian, reptiles and herbivore mammals in the Arctic - Nexta Expeditions

Amphibian, reptiles and herbivore mammals in the Arctic

Arctic ecosystems are relatively young in geological terms, having primarily developed over the past three million years. Generally, species richness is lower in the Arctic compared to more southerly regions, aligning with scientific observations that biodiversity decreases from the Equator to the poles.
Life migrating through the Polar Front - Nexta Expeditions

Life migrating through the Polar Front

Since James Cook’s second voyage to Antarctica from 1772-1775, which provided the first descriptions of Antarctic animals, scientists have progressively uncovered the biodiversity of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. Numerous expeditions and research projects have since been undertaken to understand the unique ecosystems of this continent.
The Wonderful Weddell Sea: Places, Pics, and Impressions - Nexta Expeditions

The Wonderful Weddell Sea: Places, Pics, and Impressions

When we talk about Antarctica, it’s easy to slip into familiar words: amazing, astounding, extraordinary, exceptional. And though most Antarctic locations more than deserve these descriptions, some deserve them more than others.
Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life - Nexta Expeditions

Arctic Flowers, Trees, and Other Plant Life

When many people think of the Arctic, they probably imagine a stark white wasteland devoid of anything except snow, glaciers, and the occasional far-wandering polar bear.
Orcas (aka Killer Whales) of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic - Nexta Expeditions

Orcas (aka Killer Whales) of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic

Orcas are highly social and intelligent members of the dolphin family Delphinidae. They are sometimes referred to as killer whales, though this name has somewhat fallen out of fashion due to inaccurately characterizing orcas as ferocious predators.
10 Books and Films To Prepare for your Antarctica cruise - Nexta Expeditions

10 Books and Films To Prepare for your Antarctica cruise

The deep sea remains one of the most mysterious and least explored regions on our planet. With its vast, dark expanses and unique ecosystems, it continues to captivate scientists and adventurers alike.
Seven Frightfully Fun Polar Ghost Stories - Nexta Expeditions

Seven Frightfully Fun Polar Ghost Stories

The polar regions are unparalleled when it comes to ghost stories.