The Evolving Shipboard Eco Traveler - Nexta Expeditions
The Evolving Shipboard Eco-traveler

The Evolving Shipboard Eco-traveler

Feeling stuck in the monotony of everyday life? Looking for a change of scenery? Look no further! Most of us spend our lives on solid ground, despite our bodies being composed of 71.5% water. You'd think we'd have a natural inclination to be in or on the water! So why not try something different? Consider an Arctic holiday adventure on the same waters that famous explorers once navigated!


When you start researching online, you'll find a variety of boat travel options. Which one suits you best? Are you more interested in cultural or natural history, or perhaps both? Consider how much time and resources you have. Do you prefer traveling with a large group or a smaller one? If you've already explored temperate and tropical regions, it might be time to venture into the polar areas. Here, you'll find fewer large cruise ships and more expedition-style vessels, many of which are ice-strengthened or ice-breakers.

Shop around for cruises that catch your interest. Pay attention to the highlights of each location and the best times to visit. Check out cabin options and read some reviews to make informed decisions. Carefully consider the Arctic gear you'll need to stay comfortable and document your "trip of a lifetime."


Once you've flown to your starting point, collected your luggage, perhaps taken a local tour, and spent the night at a nearby hotel, you're ready to board the ship. Your excitement builds as you anticipate the voyage ahead! In the early afternoon, you'll travel as a group to the dock (your luggage will already be in your cabin). As you walk up the gangway, you'll be greeted by hotel and expedition staff who will take your passport (it will be kept by the purser and returned upon departure) and escort you to your cabin.

Ship Safety

After confirming that your luggage has arrived in your cabin and taking in the clean, scenic space, you're free to explore the ship. While the bridge will be closed for security while in port, the rest of the ship, except for crew quarters on the lower decks, will be open for you to explore. Finding your way around is easy, though getting back to your cabin can be an adventure.

Before the ship can set sail, all guests must attend a mandatory safety briefing. This meeting covers the "Life Boat Drill," including how to don life jackets and the procedure for meeting at the Muster Station. Once this is completed, it's time to set sail and capture photos of the departure—always an exciting moment for everyone!

After a long day, it's nice to meet new people from around the world (perhaps from 16 different countries) and enjoy a delicious dinner with beautiful scenery passing by the dining room windows. It's been a long day, so you probably won't stay up too late. Tomorrow is a big day of discovery!

First Morning

Feeling a bit jet-lagged, you make your way to the bar for your favorite morning beverage. You'll find a variety of options at the potpourri station. As you sip your drink, you take in the magnificent view of mountains and glaciers. It's even more grandiose than you imagined!

Seabirds whirl around the ship, heading to the cliffs where thousands of their kind perch on tiny ledges, calling out cacophonously. You're the only one up this early, and you can't believe your eyes when you see a scythe-shaped fin surface on a long, brown-grey back in the water nearby. You consult a chart of baleen whales and determine that the size, blow shape, and falcated dorsal fin likely indicate a minke whale. Great job on your first solo wildlife sighting!

It's time for breakfast, and on your way, you read the "Daily Adventure Program": 0900 hours - Zodiac Briefing followed by boot hand-out. 1000 hours - Wildlife Viewing Briefing. Both are mandatory. It seems like there are a lot of meetings, but these are necessary if you want to go ashore and see all the exciting things you came for. Plus, they'll be entertaining.

With people from so many different places, many of whom have never traveled this way before, there will be lots of curious questions and comments. Those who have done expedition travel before may help out or verify the itinerary with what their travel agent told them. Usually, the leader will introduce their staff, who will share some information about themselves, and you can find their bios posted as well.


Depending on the focus of the voyage (some are charters with specific goals like polar bear viewing) or the weather, ice conditions, and ship schedule, you'll either cruise on the ship, take a zodiac cruise, or make a landing to explore the local natural and cultural history. Leaders will rotate the zodiac departures in deck or group rotations and offer different distances and rates of shore hikes to accommodate varying abilities.

Hiking groups must stay close to their rifle and flare gun-carrying staff for safety in bear country. Guidance on "closed areas," such as historic sites, fragile zones, and wildlife breeding areas, is also important. It's always fascinating to listen to passionate naturalists talk about the unique aspects of these special landscapes. Always go ashore, attend lectures, and participate in briefings to better appreciate the amazing places you'll fall in love with.

Be open to making new friends, as you never know what new perspectives and experiences might change your life! Enjoy each moment, and you too will become addicted to this special way of learning about the polar regions on Arctic cruises and Antarctic expeditions.


Science of the Ross Ice Shelf - Nexta Expeditions

Science of the Ross Ice Shelf

Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf is vast, spanning 487,000 sq. km – comparable to the size of France – with a thickness that varies from a few hundred meters near the sea to over 1,200 meters away from the floating edge. The edge along the Ross Sea forms a towering ice wall, rising up to 50 meters above the water, with most of the ice submerged below the waterline.
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Deception Island deceptively active

In Antarctica, the South Shetland archipelago is home to Deception Island, a volcanic-rounded island that is 15 km in diameter with a shield volcano. The volcano is mainly basalt-andesite and was one of the first parts of Antarctica to be discovered, probably around 1820 by UK and USA sealers.
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South Georgia Whaling Stations

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The secrets of Antarctic seals revealed

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Arctic Icon: 10 Facts about the Polar Bear

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5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica

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Seizing the Season: Spitsbergen’s Late Spring, Early Summer

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Graham Land: A landscape dominated by volcanoes

An Antarctic cruise may explore the upper tip of the Antarctic Peninsula where one finds Graham Land, a jagged, glaciated part of Antarctica with a landscape dominated by volcanoes. Despite the volcanoes being over 200 million years old they are far from extinct with volcanic activity occurring today. Graham Land is connected to Palmer Land at the point where the Antarctic Peninsula widens from around 75 km to around 200 km south of Marguerite Bay.
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Traditional Lifestyles of the Inuit

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Humpback Whales: the Stars of the Western Antarctic Peninsula

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Living the Antarctic Dream

From October to March, during the Austral summer, thousands of breeding gentoo, Adèlie, and chinstrap penguins flock to the Western Antarctic Peninsula to rear their chicks and feast on krill before the harsh winter arrives. Alongside the penguins, field biologists from around the world gather to study these habits for conservation research. Observing these animals is one thing, but residing in an Antarctic field station for an entire breeding season is another. One particular field camp on King George Island, managed by American scientists, has perfected this Antarctic lifestyle and has thrived for over 30 years.
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From October to March, during the Austral summer, thousands of breeding gentoo, Adèlie, and chinstrap penguins flock to the Western Antarctic Peninsula to rear their chicks and feast on krill before the harsh winter arrives. Alongside the penguins, field biologists from around the world gather to study these habits for conservation research. Observing these animals is one thing, but residing in an Antarctic field station for an entire breeding season is another. One particular field camp on King George Island, managed by American scientists, has perfected this Antarctic lifestyle and has thrived for over 30 years.
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What’s so Special about East Spitsbergen?

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