Churches In Antarctica - Nexta Expeditions
Churches in Antarctica

Churches in Antarctica

'Below 40 degrees South there is no law; below 50 degrees South, there is no God', goes the old adage. When faced with a storm in the turbulent and freezing waters of the Drake Passage, one might think so.

Men sometimes seem left to their own devices in these inhospitable latitudes, and precisely for that reason it might not be so surprising to find an increasing number of places of worship during Antarctica expeditions. Religion has provided comfort and guidance in very extreme living conditions, and people still need to get married, and baptized!

Here is a list of the most interesting religious buildings in Antarctica (and in Subantarctic territory as well), and some of the events which they have witnessed.

Trinity Church on King George Island

Trinity Church is the southernmost Orthodox church in the world, and it is located near Bellingshausen Station, Russia's permanent outpost in Antarctica. The church was constructed in Russia in the mid-1990s and transported by a supply vessel to its present location. It is a 15m-high wooden structure built in traditional Russian style using Siberian pine, it can accommodate up to 30 worshippers, and it is manned year-round by one or two hieromonks from the Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra monastery. In 2007, the church performed its first wedding between Chilean and Russian researchers.


Chapel of the Snows at US McMurdo Station on Ross Island

Built in 1956 as a Christian non-denomination church, the Chapel of the Snows has since hosted services and meetings from faith groups such as Latter Day Saints, Baha'i, and Buddhism and non-religious groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, in addition to its regular Catholic and Protestant services. The first building was destroyed by fire on August 1978, and the new chapel was dedicated in 1989. The temporary chapel used in the meantime also burnt down after it had been abandoned for several years.


Ice Cave Catholic Chapel at Argentinian Belgrano II Base

The Southernmost place of worship of any religion in the world, these amazing chapel's walls are made of ice. It is the permanent Catholic church for the all-year-round Argentinian Belgrano II base and scientific research station, which was founded in 1955 on Coat’s Island. Very cool, don't you think?

Chapel of Santa Maria Reina de la Paz at Chilean Base Pte Eduardo Frei

Located on the Chilean military base of King George’s Island, at Villa Las Estrellas, this unusual looking church is made out of metal shipping containers, and fitted with appropriate ventilation and heating systems. Built at the end of the XX century, its religious ceremonies are given by a deacon who lives on the base.


The Whaler’s Church in South Georgia

This neo-Gothic Norwegian Lutheran church was built by whalers in 1913 for the whaling station in Grytviken, South Georgia. In 1922, it held the funeral service for Sir Ernest Shackleton before his burial in the church cemetery. It serves occasional religious services, and some wedding ceremonies, particularly for descendants of the whalers buried in its cemetery.


San Francisco de Asis Chapel at Argentinian Esperanza Base Station

Together with the Chilean Base Frei, Esperanza Station is the only other permanent location where civil personnel live all-year-round with their families. The San Francisco de Asis Catholic chapel was consecrated in 1976. In 1978, the first human being born in Antarctica, Emilio Marcos Palma, was baptized at the chapel, and on February 16 of that same year, the first religious wedding ceremony was performed there.



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Diving in Antarctica: The Ultimate Underwater Experience

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The South Georgia Seven: Hikes, Fjords, Whales, & Penguins

Few places encapsulate such a staggeringly rich assortment of sub-Antarctic scenery, wildlife, and outing opportunities as South Georgia.
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How and When Did Greenland Become Covered in Ice?

Although it may be hard to believe, there was a time when Greenland was more green than icy. Today, those who embark on a Greenland expedition are greeted with views of the Greenland ice sheet and the marine life that thrives in this region, including seals and whales. Polar bears are also prominent in the northern and eastern parts of Greenland. These animals have adapted to their environment, but a few million years ago, the massive island would not have been as welcoming to them.
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Polar bear encounter in Spitsbergen

I watch the sea ice from the bridge of a ship in one of the fjords of Spitsbergen, an archipelago north of Norway. I observe a perfectly adapted animal moving on the ice, the results of hundreds of thousands of years of ecological fine-tuning. Snowshoe-sized paws distribute weight, fur handles the cold and sunlight to perfection, and an incredible sense of smell samples this monochromatic realm.
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10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland - Nexta Expeditions

10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland

Grasses, sedges, and other species of heath were the first arrivals, and are still commonly found in Greenland. Scientists have been able to work out how plants colonised Greenland by examining ancient pollen samples found in deposits at the bottom of lakes: Dwarf birch came to western Greenland around 9,000 years ago, and around 4,500 years ago – roughly the same time humans were first boating onto Greenland shores – green alders were taking up residence there.
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All things ice in the Antarctic - Nexta Expeditions

All things ice in the Antarctic

The first documented sighting of an iceberg in Antarctica occurred on February 1, 1700, when Edmond Halley was on an expedition to measure the Earth's magnetic field. He noted in his diary that he encountered "great Islands of Ice, of Soe Incredible a hight and Magnitude that I scare dare to write my thoughts on it."
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The Seasons of Antarctica: When to Visit and Why

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Polar Bear Primer: Eight Facts About the Arctic Wanderer

Polar bears inhabit the Arctic region across 19 subpopulations, including areas in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. These majestic creatures prefer the edges of pack ice where currents and wind interact, creating a dynamic environment of melting and refreezing that forms ice patches and leads, which are open spaces in the sea between sea ice.
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On average, the Giant Antarctic Isopod grows to 9cm (3.5in.) in length. This may not seem very large, but factors including low light levels, freezing cold water, and a lack of oxygen prevent these isopods from growing very large. Other species of isopods, including the Giant Isopod, have been known to grow up to 40 cm (16 inches) in length!
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Polar Bear Sets Impressive New Diving Record

According to polar bear experts Rinie van Meurs and Dr. Ian Stirling, the new record for polar bear diving is an astounding three minutes and 10 seconds. Unless this particular polar bear has an unusually large lung capacity, we can now safely assume that these creatures have the ability to remain underwater for an extended period of time.
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Around Spitsbergen vs. North Spitsbergen

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The First Buildings in Antarctica: Borchgrevink’s Historic Huts

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Where the Polar Bears Roam

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